Bill Barnes, R&H’s Safety Coordinator and team member of 26 years, achieved the Board of Certified Safety Professional’s (BCSP) Construction Health and Safety Technician (CHST) certification. The certification denotes a high level of knowledge and understanding of health and safety activities devoted to the prevention of construction illnesses and injuries; which helps R&H employees, project partners and jobsites safe.

The safety certification:

  • Proves safety professionals’ expertise by rigorous examination.
  • Exemplifies enhanced professional credibility because of standards of practice required to maintain certification.
  • Demonstrates to customers, competitors, and government agencies that our safety professional has been reviewed and tested by an impartial commission and deemed to have met nationally accepted criteria.
  • Encourages certified individuals to stay updated on consensus standards, laws, regulations, and licenses affecting areas of safety, health, and the environment.

Congratulations Bill and thank you for all you do to make R&H a great (and safe) place to work!